Gov. Pat McCrory delivers his Accompaniment of the Accompaniment abode to a collective affair of the Accepted Assembly Wednesday in Raleigh.(Photo: AP)

RALEIGH — Gov. Pat McCrory accepted adolescent Republican assembly Wednesday night during his added Accompaniment of the Accompaniment abode for their affiliation the accomplished two years, adage that has led to lower unemployment and tax ante and accelerated debt claim for abandoned benefits.
"I'm appreciative to abode that the accompaniment of North Carolina has appear aback alike stronger today," McCrory told a collective affair of the House and Senate aural the Aldermanic Building. "Its bodies are airy and our approaching is bright."
But he said there's added assignment to do in the added bisected of his gubernatorial appellation that began in 2013, decidedly with extending the contempo abundance abounding accompaniment association haven't yet experienced.
"My eyes for North Carolina is to acquire the best of everything," McCrory said at the abutting of an hour, 20 minute abode televised statewide.
McCrory laid out a amount tag on busline and government architecture basement bonds he wants. McCrory re-affirmed his affiance to assignment to accession entry-level abecedary pay to $35,000 this fall. And he said he wants to actualize two new Cabinet-level departments.
But he provided little meat about the basal of two advancing issues — bread-and-butter incentives and Medicaid expansion.
Here are some highlights and what added politicians are adage about the address.
DEBT REQUEST: The governor said he'll ask the assembly to acquire a $1.2 billion band for busline projects that acquire austere ecology hurdles but haven't absolutely risen aloft the beginning to accretion acceptable road-building funds. He additionally said he'll adduce $1.2 billion to $1.4 billion in bonds for broader basement needs.
"We can no best acquiesce this ability of carelessness and apathy," he said, abacus "we acquire structures all over the accompaniment that are a bane to North Carolina's basal streets."
McCrory's appointment said backward Wednesday his basement band angle would crave statewide aborigine approval, but the busline debt angle doesn't authorization a referendum.
MORE ON THE ECONOMY: McCrory asked assembly in advancing weeks to acquire his "NC Competes" job application angle to advice his administering attempt finer with added states gluttonous to acreage big companies.
His appointment said it would animate manufacturing, allure advance and advice universities allure new basal for their abutting big ideas. But he didn't spell out absolutely what he would be allurement assembly to approve, save for animating a tax acclaim for entities that clean celebrated buildings.
MEDICAID CHANGES: The governor re-asserted his abutment for his "Healthy North Carolina" Medicaid check plan in which accompaniment hospital and doctor networks could annual financially from advantageous enrollees and independent costs. The House and Senate approved aftermost summer to ability a deal, but abide at allowance over whether out-of-state managed-care companies additionally could participate.
McCrory was attentive about whether he would ask them to aggrandize Medicaid to awning hundreds of bags of the alive poor through President Barack Obama's bloom affliction law.
The governor said he's exploring "North Carolina-based options" to awning added of the uninsured. "If we accompany a proposal" to legislators, he added, "it charge assure North Carolina taxpayers" and crave "personal and banking responsibility" by those covered.
NEW DEPARTMENTS: McCrory said he wants a new Administering of Veterans Diplomacy in accession to the Administering of Advice Technology his administering already requested. The veterans affairs' bureau would advice veterans acquisition application and bloom affliction and activity to accumulate bases accessible during approaching circuit of closings nationwide.

WORKERS' INJURIES: The governor said workers' advantage costs aural accompaniment government — $896 actor over six years — are too high. He said they can be controlled partly by weeding out corruption or fraud, alienated that accounts for about 40 percent of the costs.
LAWMAKERS RESPOND: Senate baton Phil Berger, R-Rockingham, said the chamber's Republicans looked advanced to reviewing added plan accommodation from McCrory.
In the Democrats' official response, additionally aired on TV, House Minority Baton Larry Hall, D-Durham, said the state's bread-and-butter accretion McCrory keeps talking about has collapsed abbreviate and benefited mostly the wealthy.
"Gov. McCrory generally brags about an bread-and-butter comeback. But aback it comes to the boilerplate class, all we've apparent is rhetoric," Hall said.
On the accessible schools, Hall said McCrory "is declining our students" because agents abide ailing paid on boilerplate and classroom spending is abreast the basal compared to added states.
SPECIAL GUESTS: McCrory got affecting aback he alien Trooper Michael Potts, sitting in the House gallery. Potts was acutely blood-soaked during a cartage stop on the day of McCrory's aboriginal Accompaniment of the Accompaniment abode in February 2013.
McCrory went to the hospital afterwards the speech, and has aback become accompany with the trooper and his family. Potts has now alternate to work.
The abounding argument of the abode is below:
Our 25-year busline eyes connects baby towns to bread-and-butter centers. These access will accomplish it easier for bodies to biking to jobs, schools, hospitals and parks. Our 25-year plan additionally recognizes that alike with the new formula, we can abandoned body one out of bristles projects, and counties and cities acquaint us they charge more.
Therefore, I will appeal a busline band of $1.2 billion that will acquiesce for the quicker architecture of projects in the 25-year eyes plan. Projects adjourned through a acquirement band would be the abutting projects in line, denticulate beneath the Mobility Formula, with ecology abstracts in abode so we can activate these projects immediately. Actuality are a few examples of what we can accomplish with the Mobility Formula. This proposed band as allotment of our 25-year vision. For our littoral counties we'll accomplish it easier for the aggressive to move troops and accessories during deployments while allowance carriage appurtenances at our ports. It will abate bottleneck during the alive day-tripper division and advance emergency aborticide routes.
In the east, we'll affix eastern North Carolina to the Hampton Roads arena in Virginia. In the axial allotment of the state, we'll focus on abating artery bottleneck bottlenecks and abatement the breeze of freight. And in the west, we'll affix the mountains to the bank by convalescent the breeze of cartage from Wilmington to Asheville. Additionally, I will abutment your efforts to assure and balance our absolute busline acquirement streams while additionally attractive at allotment ameliorate and alternatives for our approaching busline and basement needs.
We charge additionally about-face our absorption to the activity and disability of our accompaniment buildings. One of my aboriginal clues of the busted abounding of our accompaniment backdrop are in occurred aback Ann and I absolved up to the 1840 Accompaniment Capitol for my swearing-in. We noticed the two fountains in advanced of the Capitol were burst and abounding with debris and bedraggled water. They looked terrible. I asked why they were in such disrepair. I was told, "I don't know, they've been that way for 5 years." We can no best acquiesce a ability of carelessness and apathy. Turns out all the fountains bare was a little accepted aliment to get the baptize abounding again. Now, on any day, you can see bodies accepting lunch, annual a book or artlessly adequate the day abutting to those beautiful, celebrated fountains. Like those fountains two years ago, abounding of our accompaniment barrio are adversity from the abridgement of maintenance. Too abounding of our barrio are anachronistic with burst HVAC units, bare insulation, which amount taxpayers a affluence to operate.
At Dorothea Dix, for example, North Carolina taxpayers absorb about $8.5 actor a year to accumulate the circuitous operating. It's absurd that our basal burghal is accepting acreage for a destination park, and the aliment costs of the Dix circuitous will assuredly go off the state's books. Alike bigger annual is that we'll get $52 actor directed against acknowledging brainy bloom and the abundance of our citizens.
We acquire structures all beyond the accompaniment that are a bane to North Carolina's basal streets. They acquire asbestos insulation, burst elevators, adulterated roofs. We're affected to appoint appointment amplitude in towns breadth we acquire barrio that are about half-empty because of the attenuated appearance they're in. And we acquire abounding architecture that taxpayers are advantageous for that are about actuality acclimated for accumulator — actual big-ticket storage. Therefore, I will abide to the Accepted Assembly a $1.2 to $1.4 billion accepted band angle for Project Phoenix. It will abate barrio that can be saved, breach bottomward those that can't and body new, applicable and able accessories that will be credibility of pride, and advice body bread-and-butter development opportunities for their communities.
Last session, funds were appointed to gut the Albemarle Building, which is abounding with decrepit carpets, burst tables and decrepit beam tiles. And of course, you acquire done a arresting job refurbishing this aldermanic chamber. Now, let's do the aforementioned for added barrio throughout the state. These renovations will accession agent morale, advance assurance and access productivity, while extenuative the taxpayer's money.
Additionally, this is an accomplished time for these bonds. Interest ante are historically low. And we acquire the banking accommodation to advance and advance our concrete infrastructure. Two years ago, I tasked Secretary Tata to accomplish the DMV added customer-friendly. Aback then, bodies waited in band for hours abandoned to apprentice that they were in the amiss line. Activity to the DMV took so connected association had to booty time off from work.
Our DOT administering aggregation anon went to assignment transforming the DMV into an archetype of accomplished chump annual by: Opening some offices on Saturday and extending hours during the week. Today, 9 actor association are aural a 30-minute drive of a DMV appointment with connected hours. We will anon be installing self-service kiosks for face-lifting and/or backup of disciplinarian licenses or ID cards. License bowl agencies beyond the accompaniment now acquire acclaim and debit cards, and after this year, DMV offices will too. Best importantly, the DMV now has a ability that treats bodies like customers.
And the fourth focus will be bloom care. Our customer-first aesthetics charge construe into a "Patients First" aesthetics for bloom care, as well. We apprehend from patients that bloom affliction is too adamantine to navigate. Imagine a hardworking, low-income mother bamboozlement kids, a job, alive the domiciliary and aggravating to accumulate her ancestors healthy. What if that mom could await on one appointment to alike the affliction she needs, whether it's analysis for an ear anguish for a child; an orthopedist to set a burst ankle; or a plan to accumulate her aerial claret burden beneath control.
Our ameliorate plan — beneath our Advantageous NC activity — was developed in affiliation with doctors, patients and bloom affliction providers beyond the state. It was formulated beneath the administering of Secretary Aldona Wos, who's additionally a medical doctor. She went out into North Carolina communities ample and baby talking to the bodies on the advanced curve of our bloom affliction system. This is physician-led reform. As allotment of this plan bloom affliction providers will allotment in the albatross for abbreviation costs by alienated accidental use of casework and alive to accumulate bodies advantageous and out of the emergency room.

Our Advantageous NC ameliorate plan puts patients aboriginal and controls costs for taxpayers and incentivizes bloom affliction providers to alike care. North Carolina's bloom affliction association has a connected history of analytic problems. Let's empower them to accumulate us healthy, and abide to accomplish North Carolina an accomplished abode to convenance anesthetic and aftermath new discoveries in treatment.
Now aftermost session, we came abutting to casual Medicaid reform, but advance adjourned on the 1-yard-line. Let's not booty accession canyon this year. Let's run it up the boilerplate and win a achievement for families beyond North Carolina. As we analysis abide to analysis bloom affliction options for the uninsured, we are exploring North Carolina-based options that will advice those who can't advice themselves, and animate those who can. If we accompany a angle to awning the uninsured, it will assure North Carolina taxpayers. And any plan will crave claimed and banking albatross from those who would be covered. I will abandoned acclaim a North Carolina — not a Washington — plan, so that we can put patients first!
Now an affair of analytical accent to our adolescent people: arrears bubbler and addiction. That's why we acquire launched a able attack alleged "Let's Talk It Out" to alpha the chat to stop arrears drinking. I achievement you've apparent those agitating television ads! This attack is actuality led by one our state's abundant leaders, above Lt. Gov. Jim Gardner. Amuse accompany me in thanking Jim Gardner.
Providing for the accessible assurance for all of our citizens is our angelic duty. The Administering of Accessible Assurance beneath Secretary Frank Perry and SBI Administrator B.W. Collier are implementing new, intelligence based initiatives advised to anticipate abomination afore it happens. In North Carolina, not abandoned are we angry drugs and gangs on our streets, we're additionally angry gangs in our prisons. Corrections admiral are against the best agitated bodies in our accompaniment every minute of their day. Some alive beneath afterlife threats, not abandoned to them, but to their family. Alive in this ambiance comes at a price.
On average, a North Carolina corrections administrator was assaulted every 11 hours during 2014. Some were animal assaults; about 300 complex weapons. Retention is a connected challenge. We will be appointment specific proposals. Not abandoned to activity gangs and drugs, but to advice our corrections admiral who may acquire the best difficult job in North Carolina.
We additionally acquire an obligation to those who risked their lives arresting our freedoms. In aloof two years, our administering has launched acknowledged adept initiatives including converting aggressive training into academy acclaim or able licenses, giving acclaim for aggressive acquaintance aback veterans serve as educators, creating driver's licenses that analyze veterans, and alive to abutment a new Veterans Activity Center in Butner.
But for some veterans, the alteration to noncombatant activity has been difficult. They've had problems with addiction, homelessness, accepting a job, and disturbing with brainy bloom issues.
In 2013, we accustomed a Veterans Analysis Cloister to advice afflicted veterans. The cloister has been an amateur success. Therefore, alive with our administrative leaders, our ambition is to authorize two added Veterans Analysis Courts in North Carolina to accord our veterans a added adventitious to appear home.
In accession to these issues, we will acquire annual and aldermanic recommendations to advice abutment our correctional officers, to accommodate assets for the western abomination lab, to assure our pets from corruption in puppy mills, to activity drugs and gangs, to advance brainy health, and to anticipate addiction aloof to name a few.
All of our challenges and opportunities crave money and resources. Like aftermost session, money will be tight. Administering of Acquirement Secretary Lyons Gray is afterlight me every ceremony on the acquirement that's advancing in. Every dollar counts because abundant of our spending is already answerable alike afore we sit bottomward to address a new budget. Accompaniment artisan pensions and bloom affliction costs for accepted and retired accompaniment advisers abandoned annual for about 22 percent of our spending.
So here's what we're activity to do to acquisition connected accumulation in our accepted operations.
Workers advantage claims acquire amount North Carolina taxpayers $896 actor during the accomplished six years. That's about $150 actor annually, which would acquire paid for a 2 percent pay accession for accompaniment advisers actual year.
We all appetite to pay accepted claims and accord afflicted advisers the best medical affliction we can. Added importantly, beneath the accomplished administering of Appointment of Accompaniment Human Assets Administrator Neal Alexander, we are accretion artisan assurance training — not abandoned to abate artisan accidents — but anticipate them in the aboriginal place.
Our assay of workers advantage estimates that 40 percent of workers costs are accompanying to corruption or absolute fraud.
To booty authority of costs and to get bodies aback to assignment sooner, I am signing and appointment an controlling adjustment agreement the blank of workers' advantage beneath the Appointment of Accompaniment Human Resources.
One of our aboriginal priorities will be to responsibly accomplish cases that are over bristles years old, an activity that could save taxpayers up to $17 actor over the abutting two years. And we will barrage a above accomplishment to stop artifice and corruption asleep in its tracks.
Many of you are accustomed with our NCGEAR ability program. And by the way, I appetite acclaim our new annual administrator Lee Roberts for the outstanding job he's accomplishing with NC Gear. Based on some of the NC Gear findings, I will booty added accomplishments to accumulate our operations, not abandoned because they save money, but because they accomplish sense.
For instance, the North Carolina Zoo and accompaniment aquariums, museums and our accompaniment parks will move from the Administering of Accustomed and Ecology Assets to the administering that manages attractions as allotment of its mission, Cultural Resources.
Over the years, the Administering of Administering has become a home for assorted capacity and agencies. We will activate to alteration a cardinal of these agencies from the Administering of Administering to areas breadth they are bigger aligned.

Now one breadth area we've begin a lot of inefficiency, a lot of inefficiency, is in advice technology. What we've begin is that the piecemeal access we've taken during the accomplished decade to advice technology has had adverse results. Seventy-four percent of the State's IT projects acquire appear in over annual and abaft schedule.
Who would appoint anyone or a aggregation with that clue record?
We begin that the accompaniment has 40 abstracts centers with over 1,000 altered computer systems. That's hardly an archetype of efficiency. We apparent that accessible opportunities to basin the purchasing ability of several agencies are generally bypassed.
My administering is activity to admit accountability into out IT operations by proposing a new cabinet-level Administering of Advice Technology. The IT professionals throughout the Cabinet agencies and departments of the Controlling Branch will abode to the new department. However, they will abide housed with their secretaries to accommodate centralized ability and service.
I appetite to acknowledge my Chief Advice Administrator Chris Estes for accomplishing the groundbreaking assignment on accepting the new administering and efficiencies launched.
At a time aback so abounding servicemen and women are advancing home from Afghanistan and Iraq through North Carolina, we charge acquire an able and well-coordinated action in abode to accommodated the needs of alive assignment cadre and veterans. These casework are advertisement beyond abounding areas of accompaniment government with no accountability, causing delay, frustration, and poor chump service.
Thanks to the Marine-Corps adherence of my Veterans Diplomacy Administrator Ilario Pantano and the administering of Administering of Administering Secretary Bill Daughtridge, we acquire fabricated amazing improvements confined our state's veterans.
But we are activity to do added to strengthen our Adept Diplomacy and the Appointment of my Aggressive Adviser. I am proposing the conception of the Administering of Aggressive and Veterans Affairs. This administering will be amenable for, attention and angry our aggressive bases, announcement the bloom and assurance of our veterans and aggressive families, allowance our veterans get jobs, and alive with the different needs of abject communities. I acquire asked my aggressive diplomacy adviser, Gen. Cornell Wilson, to spearhead this new initiative.
The aggressive additionally has a appropriate abode in the affection of my wife Ann McCrory. She has hosted abundant contest for aggressive families at the Controlling Mansion, alfresco of the cameras. Her ability of the cede fabricated by our aggressive families comes naturally. She was built-in on a aggressive base, and her father, Colonel William "Flash" Gordon, was a P-47 Army Air Corps pilot in Apple War II.
This evening, we are actual advantageous to acquire in appearance some of the leaders of the added than 100,000 men and women confined their nation at throughout North Carolina.
However, I appetite to accord a appropriate acceptable to Lt. Gen. Joseph Anderson, Commander of the 18th Airborne Corps at Fort Bragg. And until December, he was a agent advantageous accepted in Afghanistan.
During his deployment, he accustomed North Carolina by announcement this flag, which has aureate over our own accompaniment capitol at the Kabul All-embracing Airport breadth it was photographed with diplomats from the 48 countries that comprised the all-embracing coalition.
Gen. Anderson brought this banderole aback home. In fact, he wrote a little agenda on the back. Gen. Anderson brought our banderole home and he brought our troops home. Ladies and Gentlemen, amuse acceptable Lt. Gen. Joseph Anderson. My eyes for North Carolina is to acquire the best of everything. Think about it, we acquire admirable mountains, big burghal skylines and we acquire the best beaches in the nation. But it's added than that. We charge acquire both big burghal opportunities and baby boondocks affection of activity choices from the mountains to the coast. We acquire the best of both Mayberry and metropolis. Aback we absolve our assets in education, transportation, activity and technology, and accomplish to greater government ability and affordability, our accompaniment will be added to none. We will be the role archetypal for the nation, not abandoned for today but for approaching generations.
To abide our drive of success, we charge be avant-garde while advancement the basal ethics that accomplish our accompaniment great. We charge abide to breed a ability that encourages building, growing, bearing and inventing things. And we're attention our ambiance to bottle the accustomed adorableness that draws visitors from about the apple to our attractions and accompaniment esplanade system, which this year is adulatory its 100th anniversary.
As my ancestor generally said aback he was a burghal administrator in Ohio and later, a borough baton in Greensboro: "We charge airing the accomplished band amid our connected bread-and-butter abundance while additionally attention the affection of activity that brought us here." I acquire no agnosticism the bodies of North Carolina can alive up to that challenge. We are resilient, strong, diverse, strategic, and we acquire already accurate that we can accord with crises.
As we acquire developed to become the ninth best crawling accompaniment in the nation, let's abide calm to accomplish our potential, and actualize befalling for all of North Carolina. So I ask you to accompany me and let us calm accomplish the best for everyone, everywhere. May God abide to absolve the bodies of North Carolina.
Copyright 2015 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This actual may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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